Monday, October 26, 2009

Old Boyfriends and Twitter

I have been a loyal Twitter follower for almost a year. For me the early stages of Twittering might as well have been a foreign language. Although I pride myself in my ability to self educate, Twitter stumped me. After a few weeks of trial and error posts, I soon caught the hang of Twitter.

However it did not take long to realize how much the art of Twitter resembles the ignorance and avoidance of an old boyfriend. Particularly the boyfriend you may have dated for a longer period of time and you have had a circle of friends which you have shared.

The art of Twitter involves following others and their posts while also providing others the ability to follow your Tweets. Tweeters always have the option of un-following other Twitter Followers. Tweeters may opt to block and un-follow someone, however you can not block the Followers listed on your list that your blocked Follower is following. When you have blocked someone they can easily review that you have blocked them by checking their list of Followers periodically.

For me I do not block anyone due to the huge sense of guilt it makes me feel. What will they think? Sooooo, I choose not to block my Twitter Followers. I chant the mantra "out of sight, out of mind". From time to time I notice their Tweets on my screen and I cannot ignore. Although I no longer wish to be part of their circle of friends, I am completely uninterested in what they are tweeting, but wonder who they are Tweeting about~

So the next time you accept and follow a Twitter Follower always imagine in your mind if they fit the "old boyfriend" profile before you click on Follow.

Click to follow me on Twitter.

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